Animated Urban

Coming Soon to a Wall Near You

The Mosaic Elements are all ready to go. Now I need to figure out how to present this new offering. I want to convey that Mosaic Elements can transform your space, like magic. Your glance is rewarded with a moment of surprise and discovery as you decipher the sparkling forms. The image in reflectant glass and gold shimmers and shifts as you move. You can transform your space in an instant by hanging Mosaic Elements just the way you want—in singles, multiples, as repeated motifs—and by changing it up as often as you like. Step 1: The Concept

Short of traipsing to every last friend’s home to snap pictures of Mosaic Elements perched precariously in kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms I’ve been stumped by how to communicate this vision. My idea-guy husband suggested testing these magical properties of Mosaic Elements by transforming something that’s clearly un-transformable. Say an EL viaduct or a crumbling concrete bridge or steel girder or construction fence. Take away the distraction of a limiting, specific context and let the Mosaic Elements work their magic on a fully imaginary, technically impossible setting. Love it. Game on.

Step 2: How to Temporarily Affix the Mosaic Elements

Today was spent figuring out how to affix the Mosaic Elements to crumbling concrete. Several products and as many trips to Home Depot later, I discovered the wondrous 3M Scotch Outdoor Mounting Tape. The tape is weather resistant and works on rough exterior surfaces. Four inches of the tape holds up to 5 lbs. Weighing in at a pound, the Mosaic Elements are light and need just a couple inches of tape. Tested it. Perfect! One giant roll is now en route from Amazon.

Here are the concept pictures shot on the cement wall outside my studio door.

Stay tuned for Step 3: Locating the perfect urban wasteland.

See all Mosaic Elements

Animated Urban: Mar 16 - Sep 30, 2007

Exhibition Photo Gallery | Slideshow

The Writers WorkSpace in Edgewater offers me a beautiful architect-designed space in which to hang works from all series, including more new work in the Recall series and a new piece, Fuse.

A new series is hanging as part of the show: Cel2 is a 10-part animated flow design.

The Writers WorkSpace, located at 5443 N. Broadway, provides writers with a comfortable and inspiring environment and hosts regular interdisciplinary arts events.