I’m busy sketching ideas for spring GO series. Given my precision cutting approach to glass, I do refine ideas digitally. This helps translate ideas into material form. Things evolve while I’m cutting from this base composition. This spring is GO time! Heading back outdoors in search of color and signs of life and just maybe some social interaction. The words I’m encoding for this series include go, grow and bloom. And exploring lots of juicy ideas about nature-in-city and city-in-nature.
Design Concepts
Encode | Concept for Environmental installation
Invited design concepts for a large interior wall of local business. Creating a playful version of “(re)BUILD” connects with their story and mission.
Design concept | reBUILD 14’ x 20’ vinyl/lightweight plywood on paint + cinderblock c Heather Hancock 2020
ENCODE invites viewers to detect and decode information. The starting point for my art practice is that humans thrive in engaging environments. I am interested in re-purposing urban aesthetics and information to offer an uplifting and engaging visual experience.
This proposed concept combines fabricated elements in vinyl (or lighweight plywood) and paint on the cinderblock wall. The original cinderblock is given new life as an important texture telling the story of this building.
Design concept | reBUILD 14’ x 20’ vinyl/lightweight plywood on paint + cinderblock c Heather Hancock 2020