A recent invited design proposal gave me the chance to explore new concepts with Scan. Abstracted text forms point to the infinite creativity of language. Our minds are attuned to detecting pattern, scanning for relevant information and finding meaning in the world around us. For this proposal I combined abstracted text forms with backgrounded urban and natural imagery. Simple graphic elements are inspired by my interest in finding beauty in unexpected places. Living in urbanscapes requires new ways of seeing beauty around us and staying connected to the natural world.
rendering | Scan: UrbanLines (concept1) 4 @ 28”x48” c Heather Hancock 2019
rendering | panel1 Scan: UrbanLines c Heather Hancock 2019
rendering | Scan: urban lines (concept2) | 4 panels at 24”x48” c Heather Hancock 2019
Panel4 Scan: UrbanLines 22”x34”
c Heather Hancock 2019