Contrast | Texture

One of the key aesthetic elements of my work is contrast. Contrast varies in my work along two dimensions: texture and dark/light background.

I’m forever inspired by the ubiquitous concrete grid context of the urban world providing a textured canvas for light and color and form.

Concrete provides the ideal industrial, matte contrast to shimmery glass. The contrast of ‘no shine’ within a composition is key to appreciating the full dynamic quality of glass. Without that matte stillness in the piece, the luminance of glass becomes overwhelm. Shine/no-shine creates interesting visual information. This is amplified by light and motion for an endlessly variable visual experience. Matte concrete infill is the final step in the process with my work once all glass is hand cut and set in mortar bed.

detail | Scan+ 2.2 hand cut glass with matte grout 20”x20” c Heather Hancock 2020

detail | Scan+ 2.3 hand cut glass with matte grout 20”x20” c Heather Hancock 2020

Scan+ 2.0 series 20”x20” hand cut glass + matte concrete c Heather Hancock 2020