I’m developing new work in the ENCODE series. I have been exploring in completely divergent ways for the past year: taking an idea and seeing how many different compositions I can find. I’m ready to start thinking about multiple pieces and how pieces can interact in coherent hangings.
encode | GO/GROW WIP each 20”x20” glass + sanded texture c Heather Hancock 2021
This is letting me do two contradictory things: do less in each piece…and use additional forms of encoded information in individual panels. ENCODE evolved from another series SCAN where vertically streaming text elements offered a beautiful text based composition. For pieces in ENCODE series I’ve been using a single word or idea and exploring compositions with many fewer elements. I have been wanting to bring the vertical “SCAN” text elements into ENCODE as another way to create beauty from structure of encoded content.
Thinking about multi piece hangings creates space for different things to happen in each panel, all encoding go/grow/bloom in different ways.
The goal is to fully integrate across the groupings using several different techniques and elements including: hand cut glass inlays, textured background, etching, stringer fine lines, hardware insets and acrylic paint. I am holding off painting these new panels. I need to think about how color is working in these pieces.
So many directions to go with—or without—color. I do love this elemental raw textured silver. The strong matte / gloss contrast has always been so important in my work. More experimentation underway.