Bloom 4.3

Bloom 4.3 | c Heather Hancock 2013 I often find myself drawing foliage and botanical forms in the dead of winter. Partly because I love deadheads; forms reduced to their structural essence.


Bloom 4.3 | detail | c Heather Hancock 2013

And partly because I believe in E.O. Wilson's concept of Biophilia--we are naturally attuned to things that are alive and vital and vibrant. In the middle of (a particularly long) winter, I crave growing, curving forms. Bloom 4.3 is another experiment with glass stringer. Those tiny threads of glass create lovely structural lines within the flowing organic shapes. I see this work as part of my inquiry into how to live well in an urban environment. We need to find new ways of seeing beauty and staying connected to nature.

Bloom 4.3 | detail | c Heather Hancock 2013

More pieces are coming in this series in preparation for a hanging at Creative Co-Working in Evanston later this spring.

Full set of images can be seen here.