Proust project: madeleines and Combray

The next two pieces in the Proust project address the famous tea and madeleines section. A random cup of tea and a cookie trigger a long-forgotten memory of the village of Combray where the narrator spent summers as a child. This passage establishes the framework for accessing the childhood memories that form the basis of the Proust narrative. Memories are often evoked initially by smells and tastes and then recreated as fully embellished, detailed moments, linked together into a drifting, meandering text. And the whole of Combray and of its surroundings, taking their proper shapes and growing solid, sprang into being, town and gardens alike, from my cup of tea. Swann's Way. Marcel Proust.

I developed two concepts for this passage. The first featuring the lovely scallop shape of the madeleine cookies realized in pale and iridized ambers with the other conceptual elements realized in grayscale glass. A new element is introduced in this piece, potentially evoking stacked or piled old book or another new abstracted font. This 'font' is the basis for the village of Combray that comes into full form and color in the second piece as the memory is accessed and consolidated.

Proust project: madeleines


Proust project: Combray