Fabulous Opening Reception & Notes to Self

It was a truly fabulous opening reception for my first official solo show, Imagining Mind. What an extraordinary privilege it is as an artist to get to call everyone to "come see." I am so grateful to the many people who took time out of very busy lives to come see and talk art. The room was buzzing with non-stop visiting from the minute I walked in (at some point a gallery attendant came and took my coat and backpack) until the wrap-up 3 hours later—and it wasn’t smalltalk. People wanted the full story behind my aesthetic, concepts and materials. Multiple people wanted copies of my artist statement—when does that happen!? (note to self: have enough copies of your artist statement on hand). It was an amazing cross-section of people from all different times and places in my life and felt like a mini-reunion with many who have followed my work over several years (note to self: have friends lined up to host and connect people). I was so utterly absorbed in conversation and guests' indepth engagement with the work that I didn't manage to get a single picture of the event. Argh!! What 22-year-old would let that happen (note to self: don't designate your husband to take pix)!? So you’ll have to take it from me, it was a magical, buzzing evening filled with good friends, great conversation and my art.